Using Cte To Identify Best Industries By Number Of Unicorns

3 minute read


In this project, I will be working with data from investment firm to analyze trends in high-growth companies. The goal is to identify industries which are producing the highest valuations and the rate at which new high-value companies are emerging. This data will provide insightful information to give investment firms a competitive insight about the ongoing industry trends and how they should structure their portfolio looking forward.

Skills : SQL, data cleaning, data exploration, common table expression

The dataset tables are as follows:


| Column       | Description                                  |
|------------- |--------------------------------------------- |
| `company_id`   | A unique ID for the company.                 |
| `date_joined` | The date that the company became a unicorn.  |
| `year_founded` | The year that the company was founded.       |


| Column           | Description                                  |
|----------------- |--------------------------------------------- |
| `company_id`       | A unique ID for the company.                 |
| `valuation`        | Company value in US dollars.                 |
| `funding`          | The amount of funding raised in US dollars.  |
| `select_investors` | A list of key investors in the company.      |


| Column       | Description                                  |
|------------- |--------------------------------------------- |
| `company_id`   | A unique ID for the company.                 |
| `industry`     | The industry that the company operates in.   |


| Column       | Description                                       |
|------------- |-------------------------------------------------- |
| `company_id`   | A unique ID for the company.                      |
| `company`      | The name of the company.                          |
| `city`         | The city where the company is headquartered.      |
| `country`      | The country where the company is headquartered.   |
| `continent`    | The continent where the company is headquartered. |

Here I will use CTE ( common table expression ) to first find top industries, then get the yearly ranking and then based on data I will write a query which will give top 3 industries for the years 2019, 2020, 2021 ordered by the calendar year, and number of unicorns

--- finding top industries

WITH top_industry AS (
	SELECT i.industry, COUNT(i.*) AS company_count
	FROM industries AS i
	INNER JOIN dates AS d
	ON i.company_id = d.company_id
	WHERE EXTRACT(year FROM d.date_joined) IN ('2019', '2020', '2021')
	GROUP BY industry
	ORDER BY company_count DESC
	limit 3

--Gathering yearly ranking
yearly_ranking AS (
	SELECT COUNT(i.*) AS num_unicorns,
	i.industry,EXTRACT(year FROM d.date_joined) AS year,
	AVG(f.valuation) AS avg_valuation
	FROM industries AS i 
	INNER JOIN dates AS d
	ON i.company_id = d.company_id
	INNER JOIN funding AS f
	ON i.company_id = f.company_id
	GROUP BY industry, year
SELECT industry, year, num_unicorns, 
ROUND(AVG(avg_valuation)/1000000000,2) AS average_valuation_billions
FROM yearly_ranking
WHERE year IN (2019,2020, 2021) AND industry IN (SELECT industry FROM top_industry)
GROUP BY industry, year, num_unicorns
ORDER BY year, num_unicorns;
0E-commerce & direct-to-consumer2019122.58
1Internet software & services2019134.23
4E-commerce & direct-to-consumer2020164.00
5Internet software & services2020204.35
6E-commerce & direct-to-consumer2021472.47
7Internet software & services20211192.15